
Monday Motivation: Get Stuff Done

We all need some motivation once in a while, especially on Monday!

I think at some point or another we all feel a lack of motivation. You’re only human! I’ll be the first one to admit there are days where I really do not know where to begin with my day.

I have to say today was one of those days. When I’m feeling unmotivated and a little lost in space I HAVE to make a plan for myself to get out of that funk!

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Here are some tips you can use to get and stay motivated!

  1. Take Care of Yourself First

    1. If you’re feeling tired…SLEEP! You come first. You won’t get your best work done when you’re exhausted.
    2. Drink JUICE! Eliminate soda.
    3. Clear your head and take some deep breaths!
    4. Wake up earlier
    5. Go to sleep earlier
    6. Drink lots of water!
  2. Get Inspired

    1. Look everywhere for inspiration!
    2. Do something that makes you happy and puts you in the mood to accomplish your goals.
  3. Make Clear Goals and Lists

    1. My all time favorite thing to do is make lists! However, don’t drown yourself in lists. I personally love to make a list of everything I need to do and prioritize.
    2. Set clear and achievable goals for yourself. Don’t make unrealistic short term goals for yourself (thanks one way to feel let down)
    3. Every morning, set intention for your day.
  4. Stay Away From Distractions

    1. Admit it… we all get a little distracted. Turn off and leave out what ever distracts you. If your cell phone distracts you and you pick it up every 5 minutes… leave it in the other room.
    2. If you cannot stop watching that trashy reality TV show, turn it off! Okay okay, mute it.
  5. Reward Yourself

    1. Know when to pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for hard work. All work without reward isn’t any fun. Treat yourself to your favorite LARGE latte, get a massage, or buy yourself a cool mug to wake up to (to repeat steps 1-4) !

Don’t forget to drink lots of coffee to go with your new mug! Mmmm.

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Mug from Home Goods


Brooklyn Street Style 

“The best way to get things done is to simply begin”


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